Answered By: Mark McCallon
Last Updated: Sep 11, 2014     Views: 103

To read an EBSCO E-Book on your Kindle Fire you will need to install the Bluefire Reader application.  The URL for downloading the Bluefire Reader Application is:

You will also need to create an Adobe Digital Editions ID.  The URL for installing the Adobe Digital Editions ID is:

You will need to authorize the Bluefire application with the Adobe ID that you create.

To Authorize the App:

  1. Open the Bluefire app from your Kindle Fire's applications menu.

  2. Enter your Adobe ID and password in the fields provided.

  3. Tap Authorize.

Your device is now authorized to read EBSCO eBooks.

Once you have completed these steps then you are ready to download EBSCO E-Books to your reader.  Here are the instructions for downloading EBSCO E-Books to your Kindle Fire:

To download an eBook:

  1. Use your Kindle Fire's web browser to run a search on EBSCOhost or EBSCOhost Mobile and tap an eBook image in the result list for the eBook you would like to download.

    The detailed record is displayed.

  2. Tap the Download (Offline) link for the eBook you would like to download.

    If you are not logged into your personal My EBSCOhost folder, you are prompted to do so.

  3. Select a Checkout period from the drop-down menu and tap the Checkout & Download button.

    The eBook is added to the Checkout area of your My EBSCOhost folder and begins to download to your device.

  4. Bluefire should automatically open and prompt you to view your library or begin reading the eBook.

You may now begin reading the eBook on your Kindle.


  • After your eBook checkout expires, the eBook file is still be on your device but can not be opened. You must remove the file manually by opening Bluefire and selecting to remove it from your library.

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